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Thursday, June 19, 2014


I was visiting Yellowstone national park this past weekend, and saw so many amazing things! From geysers to paint pots, to old faithful and a "mini volcano," This adventure is one that I will never forget! I took quite a few pictures, and I will post some now! I hope you enjoy

This was one of the areas we went to on the evening of our first night there.
Sorry, I don't remember what it was called :( but it was AWESOME!
                  This was a little pool off the side of the road that we stopped and looked at. Beautiful!
On our first day, we spotted some buffalo. They had some cute cute cute babies with them, and here is a picture of me with them!

All of us girls at a BEAUTIFUL geyser called steamboat geyser!

 Me by some pretty scenery!
We had tryouts for the new Bunnicula on the trail. And the first place winner is...
 Just kidding! This was a cute bunny we saw on the trail. It's eyes turned red when I took the picture!!!

A picture of me by a pretty waterfall- everything there was so picturesque.
                                 Another pretty pool. I think this one was called the emerald pool???
 Below is a picture of me on a hike we went on-it was chilly in Yellowstone, so if anyone is planning on going there, bring your layers. This was really awesome because the boiling hot water(where it is orange) goes into the river. That is what I call a jumbo sized hot tub(that you can't jump in)!!!
That's all for now! If any of y'all want to see any more pictures, comment and I can email them to you!
Comment and say your favorite picture! Thanks for reading!

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