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Sunday, June 1, 2014


Hey all! I know there are many people who have been waiting for me to announce the finalists. Here we go

In first place, we have(drum-roll please) entry #32!!!
                                 This wonderful piece of art was voted by 10 out of 10 people!!!
                                               Congrats to the winner, Linda M.!!!
                                                   Marvelous Photography, Linda!

And a close second, entry #2!!! Give Grace P. a hand!
6 out of 10 people voted for this beautiful composition. Thank you very much for submitting this, Grace! This is very creative, and I love the camera guy in the corner!

In third place, Entry #30! This was put together by Cambria H.!
It had 5 out of 10, or half of the votes. As many of you may know, since this is my own work, It cannot be one of the two winners.

For fourth place, we had a three way tie. Congrats to Alia P., Adelle H., and Kaia H.! All of the following received 4 out of 10 votes!!! These are in NO Particular Order, or NOPO.

                                                  This is the first winner in the threesome tie, entry #1 by Alia P.
                      I think everyone agrees, the design is beautiful and pretty. Great job Alia!!!

The second winner in the threesome tie, Entry #19 created by Adelle H.!!! I love how you chose to include things I like, namely my favorite animal(a deer) and my birthstone(aquamarine). Adelle is our second oldest competitor, and she did a fantastic job!!! I like the sayings "Cool beans" and "Awesome Sauce" so I will say  "Cool beans with awesome sauce Adelle!"

The third winner in the threesome tie is  entries #28-29. 28 and 29 were the same drawing, so I combined the votes and the total was 4 out of ten. It is made by the spectacular Kaia H.!!! Give this girl a hand! At only 7 years old, she is our youngest competitor, and look how much it payed off! 4th place, not too shabby Kaia! Beautiful fireworks and I like how it is like a play on the song "This girl is on fire!"
  For fifth place we have another tie. The winners are Alia P. and Adelle H. Again, NOPO.
                                                This is Alia's entry #3. Again, I love the pattern on this beautiful piece of art!                                                            Great job Alia!!!

Next in the tie is Adelle H. Number(s)22-23. Again, 22 and 23 are the same drawing. 3 out of ten on both                                                                            of these!
Congratulations and thank you to all who entered! Now I will move on to...

The top 2 winners of this contest are...

... LINDA M. AND GRACE P.!!!!!

Congratulations ladies. You are the final winners. Love you all!!!

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