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Please visit cambriascornercontests.weebly.com for updates on contests!!! Thanks so much.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Voting for entries!

I hope you all enjoy the entries! a lot of time and talent were put into them!comment your top five! Put the numbers(ex: #1,#2, #3, #4, #5). I will then pick the top two winners! Remember, all entries will be included on my blog somehow! One more thing: If you only entered one entry, **DO NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN.** If you entered more than one entry, you **MAY VOTE FOR ONE OF YOUR OWN.** Thank you and have a good day! One last thing**SOME ENTRIES MAYBE REPEATED-THIS IS NOT BECAUSE WE LIKE THEM MORE, BUT SO YOU CAN PICK THE BEST IMAGES OF YOUR OPINION** By the way, the numbers are above the picture that they represent

#1 By Alia P.
The one below is larger so you can view it in its fullest detail.
#2 By Grace P.

 #3 by Alia P.
 #4 By Alia P.
 #5 Below by Alia P.

 #6 (they are all below)
#7 By Alia P.

#8 By Alia P.

                                                    #9 By Alia P.
                                                    #10 by Alia P.
                                                        #11 by Alia P.
                                             #12 By Alia P.
                                                              #13 BY ALIA P.
                                                 #14 BY ALIA  P.
                                                     #15 BY ALIA P.
                                             #16 BY ALIA P.
                                                 #17 BY KAIA H.
                                           #18 BY KAIA H.
                                                    #19 BY ADELLE H.
                                              #20  BY ADELLE H.
                                          #21 BY KAIA H.
                                                   #22 BY ADELLE H.
                                       #23 BY ADELLE H.
                                                    #24 BY KAIA H.
                                                   #25 BY ADELLE H.
                                              #26 BY KAIA H.
                                                 #27 BY KAIA H.
                                               #28 BY KAIA H.
                                                     #29 BY KAIA H.
                                                                      #30 BY CAMBRIA H.
                                                                #31 by CAMBRIA H.
                                                     #32 BY LINDA M.

AND LAST (NOT LEAST!) We had one recipe entry(made by me!)

Ingredients- 2 bananas, sliced.
chocolate peanut butter(or nutella)
peanut butter to fill a bag
1/4 cup milk(you can add more based on your preferred consistency)
 The recipe may sound gross, but it is actually delicious! You mix bananas, chocolate peanut butter(you could use nutella), and a small amount of milk mixed together well. Then(for good presentation) you put the mixture  on a plate, cut out a heart from a piece of bread using kitchen scissors, and "frost the PB" onto it.

Here is a picture about what you do for the peanut butter "frosting tube"
Thanks to everyone who entered or voted! BYE!


  1. this is Kaia saying she votes for #1,32,23, 25, and 19!

  2. Wow! Those were all SO good! I like 2, 3, 17, 22, 30, and 32!

  3. Lots of great entries. I would pick: #32, #30, #29, #22, and #1

  4. 3, 12 & 32
    definitely 32 ~ 100% ~ so cool
    32 32 32 32 32 32 32
    great job, Linda!! :)

  5. Thank you all so much for responding! This helps SO much with my BIG decision

  6. and Grace you can vote for 2 more

  7. Adelle votes for 32, 2, 19, 3, 5

  8. Page votes for 32, 30, 29, 25, and 2

  9. Tammy votes for : #1 #19 #28 #32 #31
    These are not in any certain order...all of them ROCK!

  10. What a fun contest! Great entries everybody! They are all so creative. My favorites are: 1, 32, 30, 29, 2, 19- hope voting for 6 is ok. No particular order. ;)

  11. Thank you! Yes! voting for 6 is okay! Good Luck to all participants!

  12. Hey all! I forgot to mention this earlier, but if you click on the pictures they will zoom in!!!

  13. oh, two more? here: 17 & 25 <<<

  14. Spencer says:
    32, 2, 7, 27, 11
    :) :) :) :)
    sorry if its late :\

  15. Alia cannot comment on her phone ~ here's what she said
    32, 2, 30, 23, & 18
