Go on my new website!

Please visit cambriascornercontests.weebly.com for updates on contests!!! Thanks so much.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An example for the 2014 contest!

I created mine on paper, but there is the possibility of editing or creating your entry on the computer/phone or electronic. Here is the example. *** NOTE: I didn't mention this in my first post about the contest, but it just has to represent Cambria's corner in some way. Mine just has two C's, but it still works! Have fun with this! Here is the example(ENJOY!):


  1. So cute! Is there a due date for the contest? I'm not done yet so I need a little more time! Maybe you could post the due date? Thanks! >>>Gracie<<<

  2. There is not a due date yet, although I am thinking about having it sometime around/on my b-day. Btw, do you know of any body else that is doing it(Alia)? It would be great if you could tell your friends/family about it! Thanks for constantly looking @ my blog! P.S. There is no age limit. so maybe you could have Grandma Zoe, or even Spencer help with your or create their own. Another note is that Each one of the entries will show on my blog somewhere, and the winner's will be my new logo. Last thing, promise! I am going to continue to have a contest each year(they might be different types of contests), so you can come up with more Ideas(participants can submit more than one entry if they would like)

    1. I will probably post the due date today
      Thanks for checking!
