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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dying Easter Eggs with cousins!

My awesome Perry cousins came to grandma and grandpa's house on Thursday, and we all dyed Easter eggs together. I got some amazing pictures! Here they are!
                                                                             Setting up!
 Grace and I
 Grace and I hugging each other.
                                          The eggs are slowly but surely being transformed.
                                             Me and Eggbert!
                                              Dyeing eggs!
                                                      The process!
                                           One Carton is done!
                                          One of my egg creations.
                                         Grandma Zoe and Kaia dyeing wonderful eggs
                                           All of us working.
                                   Adelle dyeing eggs(sorry its blurry :( my flash was off)

                                                         Another carton of eggs.
                            Grandma and mom by the finished eggs.
                                                   Grandma and Mom(Page) again
 April brought out some eggs that were not hard-boiled. We had to be extra careful with those. Here are the finished raw eggs.
 Alia and Kaia dyeing Easter eggs, again, sorry it's blurry!
                                          Adelle after the egg-dyeing.
 A beautiful green egg!
 All the eggs that are finished sitting next to Alia as she dyes an egg.
 Finished eggs
                                                      Another picture of the finished eggs!
                                          Here are all the egg dye cartons after the celebration.
                                            Another picture of the egg dye cartons.
                                          A picture of all BCE members!
                                             We're all wearing the bracelets/anklets that I made.
It was definitely a great fun day. We also went to the park and got Ice cream at Rite Aid, which is on 2nd street. I am so glad we could see each other!


Friday, April 18, 2014

Hairstyles that are so cute

I have been in California for the past few days, and my aunt Susan did my hair based on some youtube videos. It looked wonderful, but I thought I would post the originals, since I didn't get pictures of all of them and I cannot upload them here because I forgot to bring my cord. Here they are!By the way, the first three are the ones I have tried, but I really want to try the others soon! Just look up the captions that I put above each picture on youtube, and you can do them for yourself, by watching the tutuorials! Enjoy!!!

                                                   ladder braid bebexo
       chinese staircase bebexo        

chinese staircase knotted headband bebexo

4 strand ribbon braid bebexo
crochet stitch ponytail bebexo
     snake braid headband bebexo
double french braid bebexo

                                                            double snake braid headband bebexo
                        dressed up ponytails bebexo                       
 dutch braid bebexo
                                                       four strand braid bebexo

                                                     irregular braid headband bebexo
 more irregular braid headband bebexo

 irregular fishtail braid bebexo

ladder braid ponytail bebexo 
                                                                   prom hair bebexo                        
                                                    rope braid bun bebexo
                                          side swept lace braid bebexo
                                                  double waterfall braid bebexo
                                                         feather loop braid bebexo
I would love it if you would comment and tell me your favorite one, or one you want to try. Also in the comment area you can share some of your favorite hairstyles. One of my favorites was the dressed up ponytails. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!