Go on my new website!

Please visit cambriascornercontests.weebly.com for updates on contests!!! Thanks so much.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Biography post #5!!!

Bio #5, here I come!!!

 Name is Alia Perry
Fave color is yellow!
Fave food-I don't have one, but I LOVE to cook!
Fave school subject: home ec
Birthstone is a garnet
Fave animals-turtle or Australian echidna

photo 1.JPG

photo 2.JPG

photo 3.JPG

photo 5.JPG

photo 4.JPG

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Directions to becoming a follower!

The way to become a follower is to 1. click "join this site."
2. click on whichever account you want to follow me on.
3. sign in(skip this step if you have already signed in).
4. I think you click save, but I am not quite sure.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Amazing family

I have a CTE intro business class in school, and we are doing"Me Power points" or "all about me." So I thought that i would start posting some all about Me things here, too! Here are some pic(tures) of them!
ENJOY! Also I am kind of low on followers(Newsflash: It's just me) so I would deeply appreciate it if anyone would kindly become a follower. I would love it. Anyway, enjoy the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      My mom(page)
 My amazing mom again
 My dad(fishing)
 My dad again(arm wrestling)
 My brother Luke(after Halloween)
 My Bro. on the 1st day of school in(I think) 4th grade.
 Me(Cambria) in 5th grade
 Me a few weeks ago!
Adelle when my cousin babysat us(she straightened our hair&painted our nails! We loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Adelle(fooling around
 Kaia(GO COUGARS!!!)
 Kaia making a funny face(it's a little blurry around the edges because I paused a video & took a picture)!!!
And that is my amazing family! Hope you like it!!!!!!!!